Monday, January 26, 2009

The Eternal Now of Love

Law and rules are just excuses; excused for not admitting that we already know.
We already know that all is love. Love is what we are and what we crave. To act in love is our most fervent desire. To be loved our greatest hope
Law like every other dance in life is ritual...a rite, to make us believe we can move, to teach us there is nothing to fear in movement, in experience, in living. It is love that moves us all the same, through ritual or direct loving action.
Crowley claims that "do what thou wilt shall be he whole of the law"..."Love under will".
I say , 'Will under love"--thus there is no law.
Follow love for it is eternity.
Proximate cause is eternal and causes all. It is the present moment. A moment in flux, but not through time. Time is the past and the future, a dream of the present moment--a moment in flux but always now.

You are here now, rejoice in that moment. Fear drives the clock of past to future as a troubled dream.
To be here now is to live in eternity. Clocks are a law and an excuse, for not admitting we already know. The moment is in flux, but always now. Fear is the ticking of a clock. Fear that it's ticking will stop and the moment will be no more. The moment is eternal, the clicking clock is but a dream.

The flesh will come and go, for the moment is in flux. The flesh is but a ticking clock, and the clock is but a dream...a dream of forgetting.

Will Whitten

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Joana!

    It looks very nice here!

    You are posting some important stuff here, keep up the good work.
    Glad to see your writers bloc has turned to writers blog! ;)
